Employment Support
Who can help me prepare my CV?
West Cork Development Partnership(WCDP)
6 Kent Street
Phone : 023 8834035
Employability Service West Cork
15 Wolfe Tone Way
Phone : 086 603 1335 or 086 839 5058
Who can help with career advice and preparing for interviews?
West Cork Development Partnership(WCDP)
6 Kent Street
Phone : 023 8834035
Employability Service West Cork
15 Wolfe Tone Way
Phone : 086 603 1335 or 086 839 5058
Who can give me information about becoming self-employed?
West Cork Development Partnership(WCDP)
6 Kent Street
Phone : 023 8834035
Local Enterprise Office Cork North & West
8 Kent Street
Phone : 023 883 4700
Email : westcork@leo.corkcoco.ie
Open from 9.00 am to 5.00 pm, Monday to Friday
Citizens Information Service
Phone : 0818 07 8390
Where are jobs advertised?
- Local newspapers such as the Southern Star which is published weekly on Thursday
- https://www.ie.indeed.com
- www.activelink.ie
- https://www.jobsireland.ie/
- https://www.jobs.ie/clonakilty-jobs
If I am being treated unfairly at work, who can help me?
- Citizens Information Service, Phone : 0818 07 8390. They provide an advocacy service on employment rights and can assist you with lodging your complaint, preparing your case, and where required, represent you at an appeal hearing.
- Complaints can be lodged with the Workplace Relations Commission (WRC) on-line at http://www.workplacerelations.ie/en/Complaints_Disputes/Refer_a_Dispute_Make_a_Complaint/
Who can inform me about my tax credits, USC and PRSI?
- Citizens Information Service, Phone : 0818 07 8390
- https://www.revenue.ie/en/jobs-and-pensions/starting-your-first-job/index.aspx